local hwnd = win.handle("c=TTOTAL_CMD") local i, From, To, Result, Unmark local Step = 2 local What = "All" local Panel = ifelse(tc.active(hwnd) == "left", 8, 7) local TMLB = childwin.handle(hwnd, "TMyListBox", Panel) local Current = win.sendmessage(TMLB, 0x0188, 0, 0) local Counter = win.sendmessage(TMLB, 0x018B, 0, 0) local Cap = "File " ++ Current ++ " of " ++ Counter Result = Inputdialog("~Step=Step, What=Files to mark??All|Current & above|Current & below, Unmark=Unmark??", Cap) if(Result == 0) quit if(miscplugin.is_int(Step) != "1" || Step <= 0) do messagebox("ok error", "Invalid step: " ++ Step, "'MarkStep' Script") quit endif if(What == "All") do From = 0 To = Counter elseif(What == "Current & above") From = 0 To = Current elseif(What == "Current & below") From = Current To = Counter endif Unmark = not(Unmark) for(i = From; i < To; i = i + Step) win.sendmessage(TMLB, 0x0185, Unmark, i) endfor win.setfocus(hwnd)